Write a Python program to remove newline characters from a text file.

Ordinarily, while working with Python strings, we can have an issue where in we have a gigantic measure of information and we need to perform preprocessing of a specific kind. This can likewise be eliminating stray newline characters in strings. How about we examine certain manners by which this undertaking can be performed. and also while we want to remove the newline from a text file that is added accidentally or to post it anywhere you need to remove newline characters

there are several ways to do so but Two of them are given below-

Method 1: Using the function, Recursion, Loops, FileIO

The first one is much interesting this program shows the number of lines and removes a new line character from a text file. and return the output in another text file with name output.txt at a location that the file exists I recommend you to use this one. This task can be perform using brute force in which we check for “\n” as a string in a string and replace that from each string using the loop.

def breakline(lines):

    '''program to break every single 
    character present 
    in lines and takes list and returns
    a list'''
    for line in lines:
        for letter in lstofline:
    return final
def removeline(lst):
    '''this function removes newline 
    character and takes list'''
    for character in lst:
        if character=='\n':
            lst[INDEX]=" "
    return lst
def lst_2_str(final_list):
    '''this function convert list in 
    string with single sentance 
    and takes list'''
    for i in final_list:
        if count<len(final_list):
    return sentance
print("enter the path of \
file.extention or \
print(f"after removing line your sentance\
 is >>> {input_sentances} and it is saved \


output will be-

Note- black colored text is a program
          blue colored is my input

 enter the path of file:

(example:\folder\file.extention or \ example:/folder/file.extention)
there are ***'numbers'*** lines in your file
***your text with out new line charactes***

("and your file is also created as output.txt")

Method 2: Using loops

this is a simple program to do it in simple steps but no file is created it returns the value as a string so the code is given below.

def remove_newlines(fname):
    flist = open(fname).readlines()
    return [s.rstrip('\n'for s in flist]

Method 3:
 Using regex

this program takes the file and return lines and shows you in the form of a string.
This undertaking can likewise be executed utilizing regex capacities which can likewise play out the worldwide supplant of all the newline characters with void string. The benefit of the above technique is that the above strategy simply eliminates one event and this strategy checks each event.

import re

print("enter the path with file & its \
test_list = open(input(), 'r+')
print("The original list \
: "+orignallist)
res = []
for sub in test_list:
print("List after newline character\
 removal : " + str(res))

I have this youtube channel called Road2geeks in here you'll be seeing various tutorials along with some knowledge that I have voiceover so do also check our channel Road2geeks so that's all for this blog friends thank you very much for reading this blog, meet you in the next blog until then stay safe Jai hind.

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