Run Python script in Android app

hello friends, I am Rohit Singh at Road2Geeks today in this blog I will discuss different apps to use Python on your Android phone? as we all know friends there are different ways to use python on an Android phone these could be only offline or online but I have some interesting ideas to use python on your android phone some of these are interesting apps and in this blog, I will show you different apps in which you can access python on your android phone so lets us get started in today's blog titled Run Python script in Android app.

run python file on android apps


Python has validated itself as a significantly skilled language — amicable for amateurs, yet extraordinary in the ownership of trained professionals. Is there any substantial motivation behind why you shouldn't have the alternative to use Python any place that you need to encourage a PC to achieve something? Likewise, shouldn't your mechanical assemblies misuse all of the capacities of Python as a language, not just the pieces that map wonderfully to a C limiting? Present-day enrolling doesn't happen in an 80x25 control place window. It happens on phones, tablets, and workspace machines with rich UIs. Shouldn't you have the choice to use Python in that heap of regions, and attempt the surprising limits of those stages? End customers shouldn't have to mind what language their mechanical assemblies are written in. Likewise, that starts with looking and behaving like absolutely neighborhood gadgets. Neighborhood appearance, nearby direct, is passed on in the manner in which a neighborhood application is passed on. Why shouldn't your Python gadgets fit in likewise actually like a nearby contraption?


There are many apps in the Android play store and it's not possible to give all the apps on a single page So I have the best app out of all, the names of the apps are as follows-


Step 1: click on the Play Store on your Android phone.  

run python file on android apps

Step 2: Search for app name Python3 IDE.

You will see an app as shown in the screenshot below-

Step 3:  Click on install it's around 50 MB


let it be installed and I will have a cup of tea while installing.


Step 4: now that is installed and after the installation of the app open the app.


You can see the UI interface of the app in the below screenshots

pydroid ui

Step 5: now write a couple of codes here that you want to execute 


Step 6: so to execute the program click on the yellow button in the below right corner as shown in screenshots.


you can see the program has finished successfully to save the file click on the folder icon on the top menu click on save then select the directory where you want to save the Python file then click on the save here button.


Step 1: click on the playstore on your Android Phone.


Step 2: Search for 'qpython' app on your play store, as shown in screenshots below.


Step 3: you will see an app named 'qpython 3' on playstore search, as shown in screenshots below.


Step 4: Now click on install, as shown in the screenshot below.


now wait for a while to install the app and now I will have a cup of tea, and let's the process of installation be completed.

Step 5: After the installation is completed, just open the app.

Step 6: When you open the app it asks for permission of storage just allow it as shown in screenshots below-


now you will see the app UI, and the app just looks like as in my screenshots below.


Step 7: now to create a python file, click on Editor as shown in the screenshot below.


Step 8: Write the code you want to execute. as shown in screenshots.


Step 9: now it's is time to save the file, in order to do so click on the save icon in the bottom menu. as shown below.


Step 10: Give the name to the file, make sure to give '.py' extension, and then click on the tick.


now you can see a message displayed 'File saved', make sure to save the file every time before execution.

Step 11: it's time to run the file, so in order to run the file click this play button in the bottom menu.


so now you can see the program has been successfully executed. as shown below in screenshots.


👉click here for more ways to use python on android👈

I have this youtube channel called Road2geeks in here you'll be seeing various tutorials along with some knowledge that I have voiceover so do also check our channel Road2geeks so that's all for this blog friends thank you very much for reading this blog, meet you in the next blog until then stay safe Jai hind

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